Common polymers used for transparent applications include polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polystyrene (PS), and polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA).

Transparent Property Enhancement

The micronized sodium sulfate particles are dispersed evenly throughout the polymer matrix, allowing light to pass through without significant scattering or opacity. The size and distribution of the particles, as well as the refractive index matching between the particles and the polymer matrix, play crucial roles in achieving transparency.


The transparent masterbatch containing micronized sodium sulfate can be used in various applications such as Packaging Films, Bottles, Containers, Optical Lenses, and other transparent or translucent products where both optical clarity and specific performance requirements are essential.

The filler ratio of micronized sodium sulfate in a masterbatch can vary depending on applications, but however, typical filler ratios for micronized sodium sulfate in transparent masterbatches often range from around 5% to 30% by weight.

Here’s a breakdown of typical ratios of use.

Lower Filler Ratios (5% to 15%)

At lower filler ratios, micronized sodium sulfate is typically used to enhance specific properties in the final product while minimizing any negative effects on transparency. This range might be suitable for applications where slight improvements in mechanical properties, such as stiffness or impact resistance, are desired without significantly compromising optical clarity.

Moderate Filler Ratios (15% to 25%)

This range may be suitable for achieving a balance between transparency and improved mechanical properties or cost reduction. At these filler ratios, micronized sodium sulfate can contribute more substantially to properties such as stiffness, dimensional stability, and cost-effectiveness while still maintaining acceptable levels of transparency.

Higher Filler Ratios (25% to 30% or higher)

In some cases, especially where cost reduction is a primary concern or where specific mechanical properties are prioritized over optical clarity, higher filler ratios may be used. However, at these higher levels, there is an increased risk of reduced transparency and potential negative effects on other properties such as processability, film clarity, or surface finish.