Micronized sodium sulfate can be used in plastics for various purposes, primarily as a filler or extender.


Micronized sodium sulfate can reinforce plastics by improving their mechanical properties such as tensile strength, modulus, and impact resistance. It can act as a filler to enhance the structural integrity of the plastic without significantly increasing its weight.

Cost Reduction

Sodium sulfate is relatively inexpensive compared to many other fillers and additives used in plastics. By incorporating micronized sodium sulfate into plastic formulations, manufacturers can reduce material costs while maintaining acceptable performance characteristics.

Density Modification

The addition of micronized sodium sulfate can help modify the density of plastic products. This is particularly useful in applications where weight reduction is desirable, such as automotive components or packaging materials.

Dimensional Stability

The presence of micronized sodium sulfate in plastic formulations can help improve dimensional stability by reducing shrinkage and warping during processing and cooling.

Flame Retardancy

In certain formulations, micronized sodium sulfate can contribute to flame retardancy, making the plastic less susceptible to combustion and enhancing its safety profile in applications where fire resistance is important.

Processing Aid

Micronized sodium sulfate can act as a processing aid, improving the flow properties of plastic melts during moulding or extrusion processes. This can result in smoother processing and better surface finish of the final plastic product.

Environmental Benefits

Sodium sulfate is non-toxic and environmentally friendly, making it a preferred filler option in some applications where sustainability and eco-friendliness are prioritized.

Overall, the use of micronized sodium sulfate in plastics can offer several benefits including cost-effectiveness, improved mechanical properties, and environmental friendliness, making it a versatile additive for various plastic applications.